The Compass Project

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The Compass Project


What is The Compass Project?

The Compass Project aimed to bring our community together to find direction for this place we all call home. The project resulted in a community-wide Master Plan, offering a vision for our community and establish strategies and policies to guide future land use, development, and infrastructure improvements in the Town of Silverton. The process was organized into phases that guided the community through dialogue about where we are today, where we want to be in the future, and how we get there.

The Town of Silverton partnered with non-profit Community Builders to facilitate a transparent, community-driven process, called The Compass Project, that resulted in a vision for the future of the Town of Silverton.

The Town of Silverton Compass Master Plan has been approved and adopted by the Planning Commission on September 20th, 2022 and by the Board of Trustees on September 26th, 2022

Click HERE to view the Final Master Plan.


What is a Master Plan?

According to Colorado's Department of Local Affairs, a master plan "provides the policy framework for regulatory tools like zoning, subdivision regulations, annexations, and other policies. A comprehensive plan promotes the community's vision, goals, objectives, and policies, establishes a process for orderly growth and development, addresses both current and long-term needs, and provides for a balance between the natural and built environment.

Elements addressed in a comprehensive plan may include: recreation and tourism, transportation, land use, economic development, affordable housing, environment, parks and open space, natural and cultural resources, hazards, capital improvements, water supply and conservation, efficiency in government, sustainability, energy, and urban design."

The Compass Project's deliverable of the Silverton Master Plan will promote the community’s values, goals, and objectives; establish a process for responsible growth and development, address both current and future needs; and provide a balance between the natural and built environment.


Watch the recordings from our Silverton Compass Project Webinar Learning Series below:

The Silverton Compass Project Film

Strengthening Our Local Economy - January 18th

Strengthening Our Local Economy Presentation PDF

Responsible Growth, Development, Land Use - February 1st

Responsible Growth, Development, Land Use Presentation PDF

Housing - February 15th

Housing Presentation PDF

Environment and Natural Assets - March 1st

Environment and Natural Assets PDF

Civic Health - March 15th

Civic Health PDF