Projects & Plans


Emergency Operations Plan

Click here for more information about the November 2021 Emergency Operations Plan


Brownfields Community Kick-Off Presentation

Click here for a presentation about the June 2024 Brownfields Community Kick-off


Town of Silverton Compass Project Master Plan

Click here for more information about the September 2022 Silverton Compass Project Master Plan


Town of Silverton Wayfinding Master Plan

Click here for more information about the June 2017 Wayfinding Master Plan


San Juan and Silverton Housing Needs Assessment 

Click here for information about the August 2021 Housing Needs Assessment


Town of Silverton Quality of Life Survey

Click here for information about the August 2020 Quality of Life Survey.


Blair Street Revitalization Project

Click here for the proposed Blair Street Sidewalk Plan, as well as an Estimate of Probable Costs.


Animas River Corridor Revitalization Plan

Click here to read the 2006 Animas River Corridor Revitalization Plan.


Silverton Area Trails Plan

Visit the Community Visioning page for information on the Silverton Area Trails Plan.


Silverton Carnegie Library Renovation Plan

Click here to review the Progress Set.