About the Bonita Peak Mining District
The Bonita Peak Mining District site consists of 48 historic mines or mining-related sources where ongoing releases of metal-laden water and sediments are occurring within the Mineral Creek, Cement Creek and Upper Animas River drainages in San Juan County, Colorado. Historic mining operations have contaminated soil, groundwater and surface water with heavy metals.
Over the years, numerous mine reclamation and mine waste cleanup projects were completed in the area by Animas River stakeholders Group, EPA, Sunnyside Gold Corporation, BLM, USFS and the State of Colorado. After the Gold King Mine spill in 2015, the Bonita Peak Mining District (BPMD) site was added to the National Priorities List (Superfund) in September 2016 to address these ongoing issues of draining mines and the impacts of legacy mining.
Bonita Peak Mining District Community Action Group
The BPMD Community Action Group (CAG) was formed in the summer of 2018 to disseminate information about activities at the BPMD site to the community and to provide community input back to Environmental Protection Agency. For more information, visit the BPMD CAG website here.
BPMD Notifications & Updates
Utah Mining Defendants Consent Decree