Kendall Mountain Recreation Area
Since the fall of 2017, the Town of Silverton has been working with the Silverton community to develop a vision for the future of Kendall Mountain Recreation Area (KMRA), a Town owned and operated park and ski area. Public engagement efforts and a professionally prepared viability study show community support for further development of this underutilized asset, and confirm a basis for expanding skiing and other four season recreational opportunities on Kendall Mountain.
The KMRA Master Plan Committee (KMRAMPC) was formed in June 2019 to conduct further research and make recommendations to the Town Trustees on the KMRA master planning effort. As part of their research and education process, this citizen advisory group spearheaded a Request for Information process which closed in September 2020. This exploratory process was designed to gauge if there are qualified parties interested in partnering with the Town, generate ideas for what an ideal process and partnership may look like, and help shape next steps. No commitments were made through this process, however, the exercise confirmed that viable partners exist who are willing to work toward a shared vision for Kendall within the parameters defined through the public engagement process.
In November of 2020 the KMRAMPC released their "Recommendations for Consideration During the KMRA Master Planning Process." This document is a distillation of the research and education undertaken by the committee and is intended to provide guidance on decision making, conceptual planning, and design/development considerations throughout the planning process.
The KMRAMPC drafted a Request for Proposals (RFP) at the direction of the Town of Silverton Board of Trustees. This RFP is an exploratory first step for engaging a private partner in a master planning exercise with the Town. The draft RFP was made available for public review on the Town’s website and written comment was received February 22, 2021 through March 9, 2021. The KMRAMPC hosted a virtual public meeting on March 9, 2021 to receive public comment and then revised the draft RFP based on written and oral comment received. The revised draft was submitted to the Town Board of Trustees on April 12, 2021 and the KMRAMPC is now waiting for additional direction from the board.
A variety of additional documents pertaining to the planning process are available for download below. For additional information on the KMRA Master Plan process to date please visit the Kendall Mountain Master Plan Facebook page, or email
Kendall Mountain Recreation Area Master Plan Request for Proposals
Revised Draft RFP & Memo to Town Trustees - April 2021
KMRAMPC Meeting to Receive Comment on Draft RFP - March 9, 2021
Recommended Reading for RFP Respondents
· KMRA Viability Assessment by SE Group - November 2018
· KMRA Master Plan Request for Information - February 2020
· Recommendations for Consideration in the KMRA Master Planning Process - November 2020
KMRAMPC Documents
KMRAMPC Presentation to Town Trustees - November 19, 2020
Video: KMRAMPC Work Session with Town Trustees - November 19, 2020
Recommendations for Consideration in the KMRA Master Planning Process - November 2020
KMRAMPC Memo to Town Trustees 11.4.20
KMRA Request for Information Responses - July 2020
KMRA Master Plan Request for Information - February 2020
KMRAMPC Memo to Town Trustees 2.10.20
KMRA Master Plan Grant Applications
KMRA Viability Study & Community Visioning
KMRA Viability Assessment PowerPoint Presentation (11.8.18)
Video of KMRA Informational Meeting (11.8.18)
KMRA Viability Assessment - November 2018
Silverton School Student Survey Results
SE Group Viability Study Proposal
KMRA Master Plan Committee Meetings
The KMRAMPC meets every first and third Tuesday of the month at 3pm, with additional meetings as needed. The general public is welcome to attend and observe. Meeting agendas and minutes, which include Zoom registration instructions, can be found online at the link below.
Silverton Area Trails Plan
After public meetings about Kendall Mountain Recreation Area uncovered considerable community interest in trails, the Town of Silverton began hosting trails visioning sessions in February 2018 with a goal of gathering information on existing non-motorized trails in San Juan County, as well as ideas for new trail development. A Trails Task Force was then formed to develop a master plan, including representatives from Town of Silverton, San Juan County, San Juan Regional Planning Commission, San Juan Development Association, Silverton Area Chamber of Commerce, Mountain Studies Institute, Hardrock Hundred Endurance Run and Silverton Singletrack Society. The efforts of this group will inform a number of planning initiatives, including the San Juan County master plan, Kendall Mountain Recreation Area master plan, BLM Gunnison Field Office travel management plan, and USFS Columbine Ranger District recreation plan update. The draft 2019 Silverton Area Trails Plan was presented at a community meeting on December 17, 2018, and a month long public comment period followed. The plan was revised based on comments received, and a final version presented Town Trustees, County Commissioners and the San Juan Regional Planning Commission. The plan was approved unanimously at a joint special meeting of the Town and County with a public hearing on February 27, 2019.
2019 Silverton Area Trails Plan
2019 Silverton Area Trails Plan - Final (adopted 2/27/19)
Presentation of 2019 Silverton Area Trails Plan to Town Trustees (2/11/19, starts at 1:10)
Draft of 2019 Silverton Area Trails Plan(pdf download)
Community Meetings
Video of Community Open House &, Draft Plan Presentation(12/17/18)
Video of Community Visioning Session #2 (5/8/18)
Presentation by Anthony Edwards (2/27/18)
2004 Silverton Area Trails Plan