Community Development Department
The Community Development Department collaborates with the community to shape and implement a vision for Silverton’s future—one that fosters a vibrant and sustainable town.
Our work encompasses long-range and current planning, as well as grant writing and implementation, research, analysis, and the development of land use policies and programs that benefit both current and future generations.
Long-Range Planning
Long-range planning focuses on the development and implementation of the Town’s Master Plan, Land Use Code, and other community-wide plans. This involves:
- Conducting community outreach and engagement to shape land use plans and policies
- Collaborating with other departments to prepare intermediate and long-term plans for housing, infrastructure, economic development, recreation, and other key areas
Current Planning
Current planning ensures that all development, remodeling, and subdivision projects align with town policies. All projects undergo a planning review process and may require board or committee approval before a building permit is issued.
Policy & Special Projects
The department also plays a key role in shaping town policy and supporting special projects:
- Assisting the Planning Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, and Board of Trustees with adoption, implementation, funding, and prioritization of plans and policies
- Grant writing and implementation
- Overseeing town-wide community development projects
Lucy Mulvihill
Community Development Director
PO Box 250
1360 Greene Street
Silverton, CO 81433
970-946-9408 (direct)
Land Use and Development Code Rewrite
Learn more about how the Silverton Land Use Code (LUC) update will help bring the Silverton Compass Master Plan vision to life! Visit the project website to review the Annotated Outline of the Land Use Code and provide your input. Comments on the document will be open through December 4th. While you’re there, don’t forget to sign up for notifications to receive future project updates.
Zoning and Land Use
Application Fees
Land Use Application Cost Reimbursement Agreement
- Fee Schedule
Planning Review Fees
Application Type
Administrative Decisions
Administrative Adjustment
Avalanche Hazard Permit, Minor
Expedited Review for Affordable Housing
Final Plat for Condominium or Townhome
Flood Hazard Development Permit
Historic District Overlay Review, Minor
LUC Interpretation
In-house work - first 2 hours of work free; past 2 hours salary rate/ per hour. For attorney work – attorney rate/ per hour
Minor Plat Amendment
Sign Permit
Sign Plan, Coordinated
Simple Subdivision
Slope Hazard Development Permit
Temporary Use Permit
Public Hearing Required
Annexation and Disconnection
Appeal of an Administrative Decision
Appeal of a Planning Commission or Historic Review Committee Decision
Avalanche Hazard Permit, Major
Flood Hazard Variance
Historic District Overlay Designation
Historic District Overlay Review, Major
Land Use Code Text Amendment
Master Plan Amendment
Special Use Permit
Subdivision, Major
Overall Development Plan
Preliminary Plan
Final Plat
Subdivision Design Modification
Vacation of Right-of-Way (ROW Vacation)
Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning)