Any business that sells alcoholic beverages must be licensed by the State of Colorado AND by the local jurisdiction where the business is located. The Colorado Revised Statutes contain separate articles addressing Fermented Malt Beverages, otherwise known as the Beer Code, and Alcohol Beverages, otherwise known as the Liquor Code.
The Town of Silverton Liquor Licensing Authority - Rules of Procedure (Effective 01/08/2020) can be found HERE.
Applying for a New Liquor License
Applicants are encouraged to allow SIXTY DAYS from the date their application is submitted to the Town Clerk for the licensing process to conclude.
Application: The application process begins by completing the Colorado Liquor Retail License Application, and submitting it to the Town Clerk. Applications must be accompanied by both the appropriate State fee (found on page 1 of the application) payable to the Colorado Department of Revenue, and the local (Silverton) fee of $1,000.00, payable to the Town of Silverton.
Checklist, Background Check, Fees: When submitting an application for a new license or transfer of ownership of an existing license, the applicant, registered manager (if applicable), all corporate officers, directors and stockholders with more than 10 percent interest, and all partners and members shall make arrangements to have fingerprints done with a IdentoGo facility. There are two facilities that do IdentoGo one is in Montrose and the other is in Durango. You need to call ahead of time to make and appointment. When you go into get you're finger prints done they need the code CONCJ5687. Theses will be transmitted through CBI to the Town Clerk. We no longer except finger print cards.
Public Hearing: Upon receipt of a completed application and fees, the Town Clerk will schedule a Public Hearing, during which time the Local Liquor Licensing Authority will consider the application. The Public Hearing may not be scheduled less than thirty days from the application date. For a new liquor license A Notice of Public Hearing will be published in the local newspaper, and also posted on the property to be licensed.
State Licensing: Upon approval by the Town Board of Trustees, the Town Clerk will forward the license application and fees to the Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division for further consideration and approval. Barring any application deficiencies, the State will forward the approved liquor license to the Town Clerk typically within two weeks.
Renewing Your Liquor License
Approximately ninety days prior to the expiration of your current license, the Colorado Department of Revenue will send you a renewal application. If you have no changes to report (i.e. name change, new manager, alteration of premises), complete the application and return it to the Town of Silverton with the fee indicated on the renewal application, payable to the Colorado Department of Revenue.
The State’s Liquor Code requires that you submit your renewal application to the Town of Silverton forty-five days prior to the expiration of your license. This gives the Town and the State time to review and process the application.Upon receipt of your application and fees, your renewal application will be considered at the next scheduled court date. Applicants need not be present at these meetings. Upon approval by the Local Liquor Licensing Authority, the Town Clerk will forward the application and fees to the Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division. Barring any application deficiencies, the State will forward the approved liquor license to the Town Clerk typically within two weeks.
What if I miss my renewal deadlines?
If your renewal application has been submitted to the Town prior to your license expiration date, but is not yet approved, you may continue to operate beyond the expiration of your license.
You may submit your renewal application to the Town up to ninety days past the expiration of your license. However, a $500 late fee must be paid to the Department of Revenue if your application is submitted after the expiration date and also a $500.00 late fee to be submitted to the Town of Silverton..
If your license is expired for more than ninety days, you must cease operations and apply for a new license (please see applying for a new license). All “new application” fees and requirements will apply.