How Does the Town of Silverton's Snow Route Work?
Sign up for Nixle to have Snow Route and other public alerts texted right to your phone! Text 81433 to 888-777.
You can also access snow route information by calling 970-387-5522 ext.5 after 5 pm.
If there is a Red Alert:
- There is no parking on Greene Street from midnight to 8 am. Parking tickets may be issued on all streets, any time after midnight.
- On an EVEN-DATED morning (after midnight), your vehicle must be parked on the EVEN (blue) side of the street.
- On an ODD-DATED morning (after midnight), your vehicle must be parked on the ODD (red) side of the street.
- At Anvil Subdivision, 5th Street will follow the standard Town Snow Route. At Martha Rose Blvd. and Anvil Apartments, park on the north side (Donut side/Apartment side) for every plow route.
- Once the plows have cleared the odd or even side of your street, move your vehicle to the opposite side of the street.
If you have been towed, please call Animas Towing at 970-946-4303.
A green alert means there are no parking restrictions in place.
Download a PDF version of the Snow Route Map here.
Thank you for doing your part to help keep the Town's streets clear of snow!