Historic Preservation Committee

The Town of Silverton Historic Preservation Committee is a citizen committee established to promote historic preservation and preserve Silverton’s cultural resources. Key responsibilities include: 

  • Reviewing applications for the designation of landmarks or historic districts
  • Reviews development applications for structures within the Historic District Overlay and issues or denies certificates of appropriateness and demolition permits
  • Provide recommendations to the Board of Trustees on Historic Preservation


Meeting Schedule

Meetings take place every 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 5 PM at Silverton Town Hall, 1360 Greene Street. Special meetings and work sessions are scheduled as needed.

Link to sign up for meeting notifications: SUBSCRIBE



Jessie Rowe, Chair, Property Owner and Resident within the Historic Overlay District

Melissa Childs, Vice Chair, San Juan Regional Planning Commissioner

Carl Schnitker, Town of Silverton Trustee

Maria Samora, Historical Society Member

Charles Alex Lanis, Year-round resident of the Town of Silverton, Historical Society Member


Staff Contact: Community Development Director Lucy Mulvihill




How to Make a Public Comment 

  • Public Comment, in person and virtual, on a specific application is taken during Public Hearings 
  • Public Comment, in person and virtual, on general topics is taken at the end of each meeting
  • Written public comment should be submitted no later than the Wednesday before a Historic Preservation Committee Meeting


Virtual Meeting Instructions

All Historic Preservation Committee meetings are currently being hosted in a hybrid in-person/virtual format. The public may participate as follows: